You may think that any cosmetics you buy over the counter are going to be safe to use and free of any chemicals that can cause you harm. Most people believe that rules and regulations have banned anything that can injure you, put you in the hospital, or even worse. The fact is that there are still many harmful compounds that can be found in cosmetics all over the United States and the companies that manufacture them are well aware of the danger their products are bringing with them.
Many of these chemicals have been banned in the European Union, but the United States lags far behind in taking them off the shelves. If you take a good look at them, you’ll see that many major retailers have already realized the danger of these chemicals and refused to sell any products that carry them. It stands to reason that the United States government should realize the decisions these companies have made and ban them around the country, but that hasn’t happened and it doesn’t seem like it will any time soon.
Chemicals to Avoid
There are several well-known chemicals that you can find in products that you should keep a lookout for whenever you go shopping for products. You can’t rely on any retailer to remove these dangerous compounds from their shelves because their main objective is to make money by selling anything they can. It’s the government’s job to keep you safe, as a consumer, but they’re simply choosing not to do it.
Formaldehyde can be found in many different products and it’s a known carcinogen that can cause cancer, as well as many other health problems that you won’t realize you have until it’s too late. Isobutyl can disrupt hormones and cause irreparable damage to the reproductive system. These are just two of the many chemicals you can come across daily.
Hold Companies Accountable
If you believe that any cosmetics have caused you to harm then your very next step should be to look for a product liability attorney near me. It’s time to hold these companies accountable and make sure you get compensated for the damage they’ve caused you.
Don’t just let it go and deal with the pain and suffering on your own. The manufacturing companies have used compounds known to be dangerous to save money. Hold them accountable for what they’ve done to you and many other people.