There are many types of sexual assault. The emotional toll it can take on your life is often exactly the same. However, it’s still possible to continue moving forward in a healthy manner after being assaulted by learning and practicing healthy coping strategies. This can help you get over it so that you can move on and live your best life in the future. More often than not, victims fail to bring their perpetrator to justice. In most cases, victims may have to endure a great deal of trauma before being able to see justice done in a court of law. Many victims may even be discouraged from reporting their assault to authorities because of fear of further repercussions.
How to legally handle a sexual assault
Common Questions victims ask their sexual assault attorney about criminal charges: Will the perpetrator be brought to trial? Will I be charged with a crime? Who will be responsible for filing the criminal charges against me? Who will be held liable for the crimes committed during my attack? How are criminal charges handled in civil court?
Report the assault to the police
Most victims do not report their assault to the police right away. For one reason or another, it’s important to first determine whether the assault occurred in person or not. If the assault occurred in a person, the police should be notified right away. If the assault occurred in fact over a phone, the police should have the criminal complaint filed in the local courthouse and notified to the county prosecutor’s office.
Consult a lawyer
The best sexual assault victim lawyer NYC should be consulted right away when a victim decides to file criminal offense charges against their assailant. A good sexual abuse lawyer should understand all aspects of the sexual abuse laws in the state in which the incident took place and know how best to present the case to the prosecutor. This type of legal representation is essential for victims who fear speaking to the police or the prosecutor. Victims of sexual assault should trust their attorney and not be afraid to share their story, especially if it helps the prosecution prove their client’s innocence.
Common questions victims should ask their sexual assault attorney about criminal charges: Will the perpetrator be brought to trial? Will I be charged with a crime? Who will be responsible for filing the criminal charges against me? Who will be held liable for the crimes committed during my attack? How are criminal charges handled in civil court?
Opt for restorative justice
In many states, including those in New York, victims can work with their county prosecutors to decide on the most affordable resolution to the charges. If the victims are willing to go to trial, the restorative justice process may result in a plea bargain. When victims choose to pursue the criminal justice system instead of working with the county prosecutors and the restorative justice process, they often find that they are cleared of all charges but still suffer emotionally and professionally.